Vehicle Towing

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Personal Protective Guide

Job Task:  Vehicle Towing

Hazards:  Failure of hydraulic equipment, motor vehicle accident injuries, slips and falls while entering and exiting the cab or due to ground surfaces, temperature exposure, hand and eye injuries while connecting chains

Although other exposures exist, they are not controlled by personal protective equipment; therefore, they are not indicated in this manual.

Recommended Personal Protective Equipment:

XHard Hat
XSafety Glasses
Face Shield
XGloves (Leather)
Hearing Protection
XSafety Shoes/Boots
Chemical Resistant Clothing
Long Sleeve Shirt/Pants
XReflective Garment/Vest
Fall Protection
XOther (Seat Belt)

Additional Comments:  Ensure the vehicle being towed is adequately secured, inspect hydraulic equipment, drive defensively and follow traffic laws.  Wear appropriate clothing based on the temperature.  Wear proper reflective vest if outside the vehicle.  Use the three points of contact techniques when mounting and dismounting from the cab.  Do not jump from the cab to ground.

Reviewed: 2/2015 by Risk Management and Departmental Safety Committees