2.1 Description of Facility
The University of Tennessee Agricultural Campus houses the four branches of the Institute of
Agriculture. These are:
- AgResearch – conducts a variety of basic and applied research related to production, processing and use of agricultural crops, livestock, and ornamental plants. Includes ten Research and Education Centers across the state, including the East Tennessee Research and Education Center located in Knoxville.
- UT Extension – provides research-based educational materials and programs to residents of Tennessee.
- College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources – provides classroom, laboratory, and practical instruction to University students.
- College of Veterinary Medicine – conducts animal-related research and provides instruction to students enrolled in the College of Veterinary Medicine. The college also provides 24-hour animal hospital services.
The Agricultural Campus consists of approximately 30 buildings including greenhouses, office buildings, classrooms, laboratories, a veterinary teaching hospital, and a library. Approximately 900 people are employed at the Agricultural Campus. In addition, there may be more than 800 students and/or visitors present at any time. The Agricultural Campus is bordered by:

2.2 Definition of an Emergency
Emergencies may occur at any time on or near The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (UTIA). An emergency is defined as: Any sudden unexpected occurrence of a serious and urgent nature that demands immediate action. Immediate action may be necessary to safeguard life and property. Types of emergency situations that may occur on or near the UTIA campus include, but are not limited to:
- fires and explosions
- severe weather
- radiological accident
- hazardous or biological materials incidents
- bomb threat or terrorist activity
The first duty of all involved in an emergency is the protection and safety of all persons, including students, employees, and visitors to the University.
2.3 Zone Coordinator
The Ag Campus is one of fourteen zones in the UT Knoxville Emergency Management Plan. Mr. Brian Gard is the Director of Emergency Management for the UT Knoxville area campuses. The UTIA Safety Officer, Mrs. Susan Fiscor, is the Ag Campus Emergency Preparedness Zone Coordinator. Contact information for UTIA management is included in Appendix A “Emergency Contacts.” The responsibilities of the zone coordinator are as follows:
- Participate in and complete training requirements.
- Participate in quarterly meetings or send an appropriate alternate.
- Liaison between the zone tenants/stakeholders and the Office of Emergency Management, Emergency Operations Center, campus and local emergency response personnel.
- Assist in the identification, recruitment, direction and evaluation of EM Sector Coordinators.
- Maintain contact information for and provide oversight and direction to EM Sector Coordinators.
- Collect data and information as necessary for consolidation at the campus level and share data and information as appropriate in the zone.
- Assist in coordinating drills, training and other communication efforts (Blue Phone tests).
- Coordinate with safety officers as necessary.
- Provide feedback on campus emergency preparedness efforts.
- Assure that the appropriate investigations are conducted and that the appropriate records and reports are generated after an emergency has been resolved.